No Filing Is Too Big Or Too Small For Us

Space savers for big, small and medium sized enterprises filing solutions.

Who we are

D Bulk Filers is a Records Mangement Support Firm in the region, Offering File Storage Systems in both manual(physical) and Automated formats. We have a wide range of bulk filers(space savers) for physical Records storage and help create Databases for electronic filling and backups.

Our Services


R.F.I.D file tracking

With RFID tagging you can now keep all your personal files organized and easily accessible. We are able to provide real-time, exact tracking and locations.

Electronic and digital filing

Digital filing systems can be extremely beneficial for anyone we ensure that all your important documents are in one place and easily accessible.


Filing and filing accessories

Digital filing systems can be extremely beneficial for anyone we ensure that all your important documents are in one place and easily accessible.


We fix your filing

We are the best when it comes to document management and filing